All Indicators

Prekindergarten Participation
The number of children ages 3 or 4 enrolled in public pre-kindergarten education programs, expressed as a percentage of all children ages 3 or 4.
Student Performance on Grade 3 English
The percentage of students considered proficient or advanced on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Grade 3 English Language Arts exam, reported for both the total student population and those students defined as "historically underperforming." Pennsylvania defines historically underperforming groups as students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, and English language learners.
Student Performance on Grade 8 Math
The percentage of students considered proficient or advanced on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Grade 8 Math exam, reported for both the total student population and those students defined as "historically underperforming." Pennsylvania defines historically underperforming groups as students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, and English language learners.
High School Cohort Graduation Rate
The number of students graduating after four years of high school, expressed as a percentage of their cohort. A cohort is a class of ninth-graders beginning high school in the same academic year.
Per-Student Spending
Total spending by public school districts, divided by total pupils.
Students Receiving Special Education Services
Percent of students (ages 6-21) classified with disabilities and receiving special education services.
Rate of Foster Care Admissions
The annual number of children under age 18 placed in the care of the local Department of Social Services, expressed as a rate per 1,000 youths under 18. Children admitted to foster care may be cared for in congregate care facilities, foster boarding homes, approved relative homes or a supervised independent living program.
Disengaged Youth
The percentage of the population between ages 16 and 19 that is not enrolled in school and not working (either unemployed or not in the labor force).
Single-Parent Families by Race/Ethnicity
The number of single-parent families with children under 18, as a percent of all families with children under 18 and reported by various racial and ethnic groups.
Plans of High School Graduates
The self-reported post-graduation plans of high school graduates as reported to the state.
Enrollment in Local Colleges
The percent change since 2002 of people enrolled in a local postsecondary educational institution (college, university, community college).
College Graduation Rates
The percent of the students in local colleges and universities that graduate within 3 years for students at 2-year colleges and within 6 years for students at 4-year colleges.
Brain Drain/Gain
The share of the population between the ages of 25 and 34 with a bachelor's or higher college degree.
Education Levels of Adults by Race/Ethnicity
The number of residents with a particular level of education in a region, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older, broken down by race and ethnicity.
Average Charitable Giving
Contributions to charitable organizations, measured as an average per tax return with itemized contributions.
Voter Registration Rate
The percentage of the voting-age population (18 and over) that is registered to vote.
Voter Participation Rate
The percentage of the voting-age population (18 and over) that voted in an election.
Age of Housing Stock
The age of the housing stock that exists, expressed as a percent built in each decade.
Violent Crime Rate
The number of reported violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault are included in violent crimes.
Incarceration Rate
The average daily county jail population, divided by the total population in the county, presented per 1,000 residents. This includes county inmates who are detained while awaiting trial, civilly committed or criminally sentenced but does not include inmates in state or federal prisons.
Incarceration Rate by Race/Ethnicity
The number of people incarcerated in local jails by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 10,000 residents of that race/ethnicity.
Population Density
The number of residents per square mile of land area.
Air Quality
The percentage of days for which air quality was monitored and found to be good, indicating healthy air both for sensitive groups, such as people with asthma, and for the population as a whole. The Air Quality Index (AQI) summarizes levels of ground-level ozone, particulate matter (soot and other particles), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide into one measure.
Water Use
The average amount of water used daily in a geographic area, expressed as a rate per person.
Waterways Impaired by Pollution
This indicator provides a percentage measure of miles of streams impaired by pollution for four different categories of use: drinking water supplies, fish consumption, recreation, and aquatic life.
Change in Population
The percent change in number of residents of a geographic area since 2010.
Change in Population by Age and Gender
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area, broken down by gender and age.
Population by Age
The change in population of a geographic area broken down by selected age groups since 2008-12.
Population by Race/Ethnicity
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area, broken down by racial and ethnic groups.
People with Disabilities
The percentage of the people living with a disability, out of all people not living in institutions.
Foreign-Born Population
The percentage of the population in a region that is foreign-born, which includes anyone who is not a U.S. citizen at birth. People who become U.S. citizens through naturalization are considered foreign-born.
Language Diversity
The share of people 5 and older in a geographic area who speak a language other than English at home. This includes both people who speak English well and those who do not.
Change in Total Jobs
The growth or decline in total jobs, shown as a percentage gain or loss from the previous year.
Change in Employment by Sector
The net growth or decline in jobs by sector, shown as a percentage gain or loss.
Sector Share of Total Jobs
The number of jobs in specific sectors, shown as a percentage of total jobs.
Workers by Occupation
The number of employed people 16 years or older by occupation group expressed as a change from 2000.
Change in Labor Force
Growth or decline in the total number of people available for work, including currently employed individuals, unemployed individuals, and individuals able to work but not actively seeking work at the time.
People Entering/Leaving County/Region for Work
The proportion of workers who came into or left a region for work during the year.
Average Salary by Sector
The average annual salary paid to workers in each economic sector.
Change in Average Salary Since 2000
The cumulative percentage change in average salary since 2000.
Female to Male Earnings Ratio
The ratio of female to male median earnings, in 2021 dollars.
Employer Size
Employers grouped by the number of people employed, and presented as a share of businesses with employees.
Change in Number of Businesses by Sector
The change in the number of business establishments by sector, shown as a percentage gain or loss.
Change in Total Agricultural Sales
The percent change in total agricultural sales from 2002 levels, after adjusting for inflation.
Spending for Local Government
The annual per-capita spending for cities, towns, villages, and county within a county, adjusted for inflation.
Spending for School Districts
The annual per capita spending for public education in a county, adjusted for inflation.
Children Living in Poverty
The number of children under 18 who live below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Children in Poverty by Race/Ethnicity
The number of children under 18 living below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18 and reported by various racial and ethnic groups. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
People Living in Poverty
The share of residents with incomes below the federal poverty level. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of people in various racial and ethnic groups with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2021, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Veterans Living in Poverty
The estimated proportion of veterans with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for one person was $14,880.
Working Poor
The number of employed individuals whose incomes fall below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Median Household Income by Household Type
Median household income, in 2022 dollars, broken down by type of household. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Median Household Income
Median household income, in 2022 dollars. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity
Median household income, inflated to 2022 dollars, broken down by race/ethnicity. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Living Wage
The level of income needed for households of different sizes and types in a region to be able to pay for necessities, including housing and food, without outside assistance.
Unemployment Rate by Race/Ethnicity
The unemployment rate for racial and ethnic groups in a geographic area. Unemployed individuals are those without jobs who are able, available and seeking work; the rate presents them as a share of the total labor force.
Households Receiving SNAP by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of households broken out by race and ethnicity that participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps).
Household Receiving Temporary Assistance
The number of households that received any public assistance or welfare payments in the past 12 months, expressed as a percentage of total households.
Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Price Lunch
The number of students eligible for free or reduced price lunch as a percentage of total K-12 enrollment. Students are eligible for free lunch if their family's income is at or below 130% of the federal poverty threshold and for reduced price lunch if income is 130-185% of that threshold.
Median Home Value
The home value reported by the homeowner to the Census Bureau, adjusted for inflation to 2022 dollars. The median represents the mid-point of home values (half the values are above the median and half below).
Occupied Housing Units
The percentage of residential housing units that are occupied or not vacant.
Homeownership Rate, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of owner-occupied units (not rented) as a percent of all occupied units (not vacant) for various racial and ethnic groups.
Cost of Homeownership by Race/Ethnicity
The ratio of the median home value divided by the median household income, adjusted for inflation, and shown for homeowners in various racial and ethnic groups.
Median Rent
The most recent monthly rent plus the average monthly payments for utilities and fuel, as reported to the Census Bureau, adjusted for inflation. The median represents the mid-point of monthly rents (half the values are above the median and half below).
Cost of Renting
The proportion of household income that goes toward monthly rent, utilities and fuel, calculated by dividing median rent by median household income for renters.
Households Without Vehicles
The number of households that do not report having a vehicle kept at the home and available for use, expressed as a percentage of all households.
Means of Transportation to Work, by Race/Ethnicity
The type of transportation used on a daily basis by workers over the age of 16 who commute to work, expressed as a percentage of all workers who do not work at home, by race/ethnicity.
People Without Health Insurance
The percentage of people under 65 who are not covered by some form of health insurance, including public sources of health coverage such as Medicaid and Medicare.
Early Prenatal Care by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
The number of births to women who initiated prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks gestation), expressed as a percentage of all live births within each racial and ethnic group.
Health Status
The share of adults who report their perceived general health as "fair" or "poor" (as opposed to excellent, very good or good.
Prevalence of Mental Illness
The rate of individuals 18 and older reporting any mental illness or serious mental illness in the past 12 months.
Adults Who are Overweight or Obese
The percentage of adults who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 25. The index is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. A person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, and those with a BMI over 30 are considered obese.
Mortality Rates
The number of deaths per year, expressed as an age-adjusted rate per 100,000 residents.
Mortality Rate, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of deaths broken down by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 100,000 population.
Fatal Drug Overdoses
The number of deaths per year, expressed as an age-adjusted rate per 100,000 residents.
Cancer Incidence
The age-adjusted rate of all new cancers diagnosed per 10,000 residents, averaged over three years.
Households With Internet Access
The percentage of households that have access to the Internet.
High-Tech Jobs
The share of jobs in high-tech occupations, expressed as a percentage of total jobs.
STEM Graduates
The number of residents with a science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) degree, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older.
Science and Engineering Research and Development
The amount of federal, state, and local grant money spent on research and development by academic institutions in the region.
Single-Parent Families by Race/Ethnicity
The number of single-parent families with children under 18, as a percent of all families with children under 18 and reported by various racial and ethnic groups.
Education Levels of Adults by Race/Ethnicity
The number of residents with a particular level of education in a region, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older, broken down by race and ethnicity.
Incarceration Rate by Race/Ethnicity
The number of people incarcerated in local jails by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 10,000 residents of that race/ethnicity.
Population by Race/Ethnicity
The growth or decline in the number of residents of a geographic area, broken down by racial and ethnic groups.
Children in Poverty by Race/Ethnicity
The number of children under 18 living below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18 and reported by various racial and ethnic groups. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of people in various racial and ethnic groups with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2021, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity
Median household income, inflated to 2022 dollars, broken down by race/ethnicity. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Unemployment Rate by Race/Ethnicity
The unemployment rate for racial and ethnic groups in a geographic area. Unemployed individuals are those without jobs who are able, available and seeking work; the rate presents them as a share of the total labor force.
Households Receiving SNAP by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of households broken out by race and ethnicity that participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps).
Homeownership Rate, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of owner-occupied units (not rented) as a percent of all occupied units (not vacant) for various racial and ethnic groups.
Cost of Homeownership by Race/Ethnicity
The ratio of the median home value divided by the median household income, adjusted for inflation, and shown for homeowners in various racial and ethnic groups.
Early Prenatal Care by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
The number of births to women who initiated prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks gestation), expressed as a percentage of all live births within each racial and ethnic group.
