A Community
Indicators Project

A project of The Steinman Foundation, The Lancaster County Community Indicators present 80 separate indicators to provide insight into the trends in our community over time. The wealth of information this website provides is intended to be a tool to start conversations and to promote data driven decision making.
The Steinman Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life in the communities that comprise Lancaster County. This site strives to achieve that goal by starting conversations about and promoting data driven decision making in Lancaster County.
The data on the Lancaster County Community Indicators site is compiled from public sources. The nomenclature or descriptions for each indicator is taken directly from the corresponding data source, listed for each indicator for consistency and clarity. Language utilized from source material is not intended to label or limit, and should not be assumed to reflect the views of The Steinman Foundation.
The data on the Lancaster County Community Indicators site is updated annually. The website serves as a data compilation tool; The Steinman Foundation has no control over how frequently external data sources are updated. Some source data is not refreshed yearly, and may be updated less frequently than other data.
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This section provides a quick, at-a-glance graphic summary of indicators for a variety of geographies and populations. Select the county, city or group of interest and display all indicators with available data, or a subset of your choosing. Dashboards can be created for racial and ethnic groups as well as regions, in order to show how different populations are faring.
Maps provide us with a different view of data – showing us how social and economic conditions are impacting different parts of our county. Poverty, income, home values and housing affordability are examples of Lancaster County Community Indicator visualizations available in our mapping section.